Sunday, December 4, 2011

FW: Photo-blog - excavationsHazor2011 van Jayne Vine

From: Annie []
Sent: 12 August 2015 5:26 PM
To: Le Roux, Magdel
Subject: Re: Photo-blog - excavations

Hi Magdel,
I love this pic of the glamorous Unisa women at Hazor– standards don’t slip even in the heat and dust!
Annie xx

On 2015/08/12 10:27 AM, "Magdel le Roux Le Roux" <> wrote:
Dear Friends
Please see my photo-blog below – just to show you what is happening at Messene!
If you have joined us a previous time and have not sent your photos yet, please do so. You can also send a short report if you compiled something in this regard:

May I please ask you to send your 10 best photographs of our previous excavations to the following address:

1)                 Julle moet my gelyktydig in kennis stel (dan sal ek my man laat weet sodat hy die bydrae kan ‘append’ - onthou om die datum, persoons- en plekname by elke foto te voeg).

You also need to let me know when you have sent your photographs and please give a short description of each photograph (the date, names of the people or the place where it was taken).

2)                 Foto's moet duidelik (in fokus) wees.

Only send photographs that are clear and in focus please!

3)                 Toerlede kan ook kort stukkies skryf (herinneringe, verslae ens).

You can also send short descriptions, reports or memories of the excursion if you want.

4)            Please make sure that you add your name and email address as well.
5)            Die adres waar mense julle my blog kan besigtig is hier onderaan.
The address where you can access my blog is:
Foto-blog: Magdel se opgrawings: <>


Prof Dr M le Roux
Department of Biblical and Ancient Studies
SP 5-72
P O Box 392

Tel: +27+12+429 4389 (w); +27+12+3440294 (h); +27+845812628 (Mobile); +27+12+4294570 (Fax)

Foto-blog/Photo-blog: Magdel se opgrawings: <>